Sunday, January 18, 2015


When the announcement on Facebook of the plan for Canada Centre, in support of Rural Myanmar Education and Health, to be opened in Myanmar, all my near and dear friends from near and afar as well as the devotees expressed a lot of interest in support of this noble project.


For those of us who have settled in Canada, we are always happy to donate together to support our old friends who are working for freedom and prosperity in Myanmar.
We always want to show solidarity and support various causes and services such as the Storm Nargis devastation in the Irrawaddy region, Mithila’s crisis, Latpatoung Mountain’s crisis, Rakhing uprising, to humanitarian free funeral services led by Kyaw Thu.

When such issues arise, our experiences have shown that, with the lack of local communication centre, it is difficult to communicate and donate to the regions and people that have been effected and also the donors become less interested in our contributions due to lack of a cohesive coordination.
Therefore, “The Canada Centre” will be opened for all Myanmar Canadians where my beloved mother donated her house and land in Myanmar.

Canadian religious hall (Dhammaram)

The name of Canada Centre term is easy to reference for the Canadians and The Myanmar villagers also can be called Canadian religious hall.
When the Canada Centre is completed, initially, the center will be able support social and educational services for the ten villages in the surrounding area.

Short teams Dharma classes

In 2015 May, The Canada centre will open Dhamma class for adults and youths led by Dr. Nandavumsa from The United States, Texas.

Afterwards, the Center will be opened to provide both Dharma study programs as well as opened to the studies to improve Health and Education of Rural Myanmar.

Educating the people and youth of rural Myanmar with modern knowledge, know-how, and skills that are relevant to developing economic and social sustainability is the key focus of the Canadian Centre.
We are very excited about this noble and wonderful journey that we strongly believe will enable prosperity for many generations of Myanmar people in the rural regions for now and the future.
We would appreciate any support to this noble cause.

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